Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

     Catholic Counseling is a weekly segment of Morning Light where we've assembled a panel of experts to help Catholics maintain good mental health.  Today, Sarah Lynch from St. Mark's School covers the topic of "Patience."

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1147_-_SEG_3_041823.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MST

     Morning Light welcomes back Alanna Burg & John Keenan here today to discuss Saint Catherine of Siena.


Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1147_-_SEG_1_041823.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am MST

     Chef Lou Aaron could not be with us today on Morning Light.  This "Best of" Cooking With Scripture segment is from April 20, 2021 talking about Panuchos, and sharing once again the recipe for his world famous healing tea.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1147_-_SEG_2_041823.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am MST