Tue, 31 December 2013
Fr. Justin Brady and Fr. Caleb Vogel wrap up the same year they kicked off with the same topic - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! All the best in 2014 from the priests that bring you COLLAR TALK every Tuesday at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio. |
Fri, 27 December 2013
In this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - your hosts, Johnny & Lorissa Horn, will share a homily from Fr. Mike regarding the Feast of the Holy Family. |
Mon, 23 December 2013
In this MUSIC edition of Journeys of Faith, your host - Alex Street - invites a couple of his friends into the studio to sing some songs to help you get into the Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Salt & Light Catholic Radio! |
Fri, 20 December 2013
Wed, 18 December 2013
Tue, 17 December 2013
Mon, 16 December 2013
Deacon Bob discusses the 3rd Sunday of Advent on this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH - when we light the rose-colored candle (not pink...ROSE!) ;-) |
Fri, 13 December 2013
Tue, 10 December 2013
Mon, 9 December 2013
Sat, 7 December 2013
Recorded live from St. Mark's Church on Saturday, December 7th...enjoy the scripture readings and beautiful music from the 2013 Advent Concert. |
Fri, 6 December 2013
Wed, 4 December 2013
Tue, 3 December 2013
Mon, 2 December 2013
Fri, 29 November 2013
Tue, 26 November 2013
Mon, 25 November 2013
Fri, 22 November 2013
How do you celebrate 50 years of football excellance? If you're Bishop Kelly, you cap off a perfect season with an exciting 42-34 victory over Skyview in the 4A State Championship. Congratulations to all the players and coaches for an incredible year! Special thanks to the "Voice of the Knights" Dave Skinner and top color commentator Ben Ysursa for their dedication to the broadcasts heard on Salt & Light Catholic Radio. |
Fri, 22 November 2013
Wed, 20 November 2013
Tue, 19 November 2013
Fri, 15 November 2013
During the 4A football play-offs, the Bishop Kelly Knights (10-0) travel to Pocatello to face Century (7-3) in a semi-final matchup. 48 minutes wasn't enough to settle this exciting game ... it took two OT segments for the Knights to emerge victorious and earn their spot in the State Championship. |
Fri, 15 November 2013
Tue, 12 November 2013
Fri, 8 November 2013
In this episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - your host, Chris Kreslins, features a great interview with a special guest - don't miss it! |
Wed, 6 November 2013
Tue, 5 November 2013
Fri, 1 November 2013
As the Knights prepare for the play-offs, they wrap up the regular season by hosting the Nampa Bulldogs. BK jumped out to early lead and ended with a 47-7 victory and capping off a 9-0 schedule. Next week, the post-season kicks off with the Kuna Kavemen coming to Nick Ysursa Field - be sure to turn out and celebrate this 50th Anniversary of Bishop Kelly High School football! |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Dr. Joe chats with Carl Sarrazola regarding Boy Scout Troop 94, sponsored by St. Mark's. What is his background with Boy Scouts and how has that transferred into him leading future generations of young men with strong Catholic faith? |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As we wrap up the first day of the BE A LIGHT Fall Pledge Drive, Dr. Joe interviews Clyde Brinegar about being ordained a new Deacon at St. Mark's Catholic Community. Listen to Clyde's faith journey and how Catholic Radio has helped him along the way. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Co-hosts Clyde Brinegar and Dr. Joe Lipetzky sit down with the new principal at St. Mark's Catholic School - Mark Hopkins! How does one go from middle school teacher to becoming the leader of well over 300 students?! What's it been like during his first few months on the job? What is his vision for the school moving forward? Tune into this great interview and learn more! |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As we wrap up day 1 of our Fall Pledge Drive, Dr. Joe is the host during St. Mark's block of time on-air and he leads off with Fr. Bruno! Any interview with Fr. Bruno is interesting and entertaining - this one is no different - as topics include St. Mark's School, experiences in his homeland of Tanzania, Pope Francis and of course, the importance of supporting Catholic Radio. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Being a convert to the Catholic faith, our co-host Pete Cuppage chats with Steve Peterson who heads up the RCIA program at Our Lady of the Rosary. Find out how Catholic Radio played an important role in these men's conversion and faith journey. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Check out this great interview with Gary & Cindy Anderson from Our Lady of the Rosary. Pete & V Cuppage chat with Cindy about her involvement with the youth ministry and Gary being involved in the Deaconate program. With our theme of the Fall Pledge Drive - BE A LIGHT - here are a couple of bright lights shining at OLR. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Not only is he a key member of our volunteer staff at Salt & Light Radio...he is also a key member of Our Lady of the Rosary parish! Pete and V Cuppage sit down with our own Mike Schauble to discuss Catholic Radio, the Cursillo movement, Idaho Family Camp and much more. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Late Wednesday afternoon, Pete and V Cuppage were the hosts for Our Lady of the Rosary during the BE A LIGHT Fall Pledge Drive. Their first guest was Mary Jane Atkinson - a very familiar face around OLR. Listen into this discussion about not only the many groups she is involved with, but also G.K. Chesterton and a couple of books being used as an incentive.
Direct download: FPD13_OLR_MaryJaneAtkinson_102313-3pm.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 3:00pm MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Pete and V Cuppage were the hosts for Our Lady of the Rosary during the BE A LIGHT Fall Pledge Drive. The next guest was Pam Krueger - musical director at OLR. An extra treat - Pam and Pete sing a little bit - be sure to tune in for that! |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As we wrap up our time with Risen Christ, Deacon Don Blythe chats with John Pettinger about a great program offered by the Knights of Columbus at the Parish - hospital/medical equipment that is available to borrow when you need it! Some great stories are shared, stories that will inspire you to BE A LIGHT. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
We have a couple of Deacons in the house! Deacon Don sits down with Dcn. Richard Kulleck as he discusses the upcoming Deacon Ordination Mass and gives a brief description of each of the six men about to be ordained on October 26th.
Direct download: FPD13_RisenChrist_DcnRichardKulleck.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 2:00pm MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Deacon Don Blythe, Pastoral Associate at Risen Christ, is your host for this block of time during the BE A LIGHT Fall Pledge Drive. Next up, Debra Servatius talks about the St. Vincent de Paul Re-Entry Program - what it is all about and how you can help too. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As we kick-off our time with Risen Christ, Deacon Don Blythe takes over as on-air host. First guests? Fr. Rob Cook along with Dan & Sharon Vawser from Sacred Heart?! It may seem strange but once you listen in, it will all make sense...we hope ;-) |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Rusty Bang talks with Claudia Zuniga about a new program for 6th, 7th and 8th graders at Holy Apostles called Energized For Art. Tune into this interesting chat about art and what it means to our Catholic Faith. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Have you heard of Financial Peace University? Mary Wax sits down with Sara Dance to talk about how this program is being offered at Holy Apostles plus all of the positive benefits it can have on your family's finances.
Direct download: FPD13_HolyApostles_Sara-FinancialPeace.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 12:30pm MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Did we run out of guests? Not at all ... one host (Mary Wax) interviews the other (Rusty Bang) about his involvement in the Holy Apostles youth ministry. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Did we run out of guests? Not at all ... one host (Rusty Bang) interviews the other (Mary Wax) about her involvement in the very successful RCIA program at Holy Apostles. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As Mary Wax and Rusty Bang continue to host during the BE A LIGHT Fall Pledge Drive, they talk with John McKay who is the Music Director at Holy Apostles. Get John's point of view regarding music in the Liturgy, plus learn more about his involvement with a very popular local band. And while the photo looks "serious" - the conversation was quite light-hearted ;-) |
Wed, 23 October 2013
With our theme of BE A LIGHT, it was great to hear the many stories of how people in our Diocese are doing just that. Rusty Bang interviews a junior in high school - Rebecca Fortin - who is giving back by helping with the middle school youth group at Holy Apostles. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Time to interview another Deacon candidate! Mary & Rusty chat with Brian Flowers ... besides owning All-Star Plumbing & Restoration, he's taken the four-year journey to becoming a Deacon at Holy Apostles. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
At 11:00am on Wednesday (10/23/13), Rusty Bang & Mary Wax shared hosting duties for Holy Apostles. Their first guest is Fr. Dat Vu, discussing his ministry, vocation story and other great topics. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Next up with Chef Vern, Mike Gallagher and Paquita Barrett discuss their work with St. Vincent de Paul.
Direct download: FPD13_SacredHeart_StVincentDePaul.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 10:30am MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Moving into the 10am hour on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd ... Chef Vern continues as host and talks about the Corpus Christi House with Lisa Murawski. Lisa is definately being a light, not only for Sacred Heart, but the entire Boise community.
Direct download: FPD13_SacredHeart_CorpusChristiHouse.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 10:00am MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As our time with Sacred Heart continues, Chef Vern chats with Dan Vawser regarding his impending Deacon Ordination. Learn more about the four-year journey that Dan took along with his wife Sharon - the challenges and the blessings that have come from walking this path and looking ahead to his time as "Deacon Dan." |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Next up with Chef Vern is Rob Turner and the DOERS ministry - hear the wonderful work that Rob does with his team of volunteers. Listen to Rob's story as he tries to BE A LIGHT despite the extreme conditions he sometimes faces. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
Chef Vern is your host during the Sacred Heart block of time at our BE A LIGHT pledge drive. We start off with Janey McGarry as she describes a wonderful ministry called Lazarus House. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
As our Young Adult Hour continues from Wednesday, Oct. 23rd ... Carol interviews some impressive Boise State students who are busy preaching their pro-life message. Check out their inspirational story and learn how they a being a light to the world!
Direct download: FPD13_BoiseStPro-Life_102313-830am.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 8:30am MST |
Wed, 23 October 2013
The theme of our Fall Pledge Drive was BE A LIGHT - and the youth of Idaho are living up to that theme! Find out how during the 8:00am hour from Wednesday, Oct. 23rd as Brian chats with Chris Kreslins (co-host of "Made For More" heard Fridays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio) about teen and young adult ministry throughout our great state. |
Wed, 23 October 2013
A pledge drive at Salt & Light Radio isn't "officially" underway until the Knights of Columbus issue the challenge for the Golden Spatula Award. John Pettinger and Mike Townsend started us off Wednesday morning around 7:30 by sharing all of the great works the Knights have done this past year on a local, statewide and even global scale! |
Fri, 18 October 2013
The Knights try to avenge the lone blemish on last year's record as they travel to Middleton and take on the Vikings. In a hard-fought contest, BK walked away with a 28-0 shutout to remain undefeated during this Golden Anniversary season of Bishop Kelly High School football.
Direct download: BKfootball_atMiddleton_101813-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Sports -- posted at: 10:00pm MST |
Fri, 11 October 2013
The Knights continue their 50th Anniversary Season, marching towards the play-offs, with a resounding 56-0 blowout victory over the Mtn. Home Tigers. This game was broadcast Friday, Oct. 11th on Salt & Light Radio with Dave Skinner providing play-by-play and Ben Ysursa on color commentary. |
Tue, 8 October 2013
In this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady continue their new series. Our priests become "Liturgical Mythbusters" as they unpack Chapter 1 of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, from the Second Vatican Council. What has been reformed and what remains as our foundation of faith? Change your channel - change your life! |
Mon, 7 October 2013
In the October 7th episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob gets fired up about "Catechesis" which, according to the USCCB website, is the act of handing on the Word of God intended to inform the faith community and candidates for initiation into the Church about the teachings of Christ, transmitted by the Apostles to the Church. Catechesis also involves the lifelong effort of forming people into witnesses to Christ and opening their hearts to the spiritual transformation given by the Holy Spirit. |
Fri, 4 October 2013
As Bishop Kelly High School celebrates 50 years of Knights football, Salt & Light Radio broadcast the Homecoming Game against the Caldwell Cougars. Dave Skinner again provides the play-by-play alongside Ben Ysursa providing color commentary. GO KNIGHTS! |
Fri, 4 October 2013
In this edition of MADE FOR MORE, your hosts are Johnny & Lorissa Horn - tune in and learn during this Catholic radio show for teens, heard every Friday at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio ... 1140 KGEM-AM in the Boise area and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley or on-line at www.SaltandLightRadio.com |
Mon, 30 September 2013
It's another MUSIC edition with Alex Street! Alex is joined by Ryan Bradshaw in this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH - listen in as they discuss both secular and contemporary Christian music and how it affects us spiritually and emotionally. |
Fri, 27 September 2013
Fri, 27 September 2013
Join your host Chris Kreslins for this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens. As we wrap up the month of September, tune in as Chris shares some valuable information for your teen. |
Tue, 24 September 2013
In this episode of COLLAR TALK - Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin will conclude this long-running series regarding the parts of the Mass with a show about "The Dismissal Rite." Collar Talk is heard Tuesdays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio ... 1140 KGEM-AM in the Boise area and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Mon, 23 September 2013
During this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob catches up with Kevin Molm once again to finish their conversation about youth ministries at Holy Apostles in Meridian. Listen to Kevin's exciting journey from growing up in Billings, MT then meeting his wife in college at University of Montana in Missoula, to their recent adventure of moving to the Treasure Valley. Please welcome the Molm family to the Boise Diocese! |
Fri, 20 September 2013
The Bishop Kelly Knights are celebrating 50 years of football this season! Game #3 is at home against the Emmett Huskies. The Knights end up on the positive side of a 26-6 win. Again, the Voice of the Knights, Dave Skinner delivers play-by-play with Ben Ysursa providing color commentary. |
Fri, 20 September 2013
Tune into this edition of MADE FOR MORE hosted by Johnny & Lorissa Horn - our local Catholic radio show for teens, heard Fridays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio. Fall means football - and Johnny tests Lorissa's knowledge of the game early in this program - do you know the answers? Find out in this episode of M4M. |
Tue, 17 September 2013
In this episode of COLLAR TALK - Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin continue their series on the parts of the Mass with a show about "The Communion Rite." |
Mon, 16 September 2013
We hope you enjoy the first-ever MUSIC edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH. As Deacon Bob promised last month, we will be working with Alex Street on an occasional basis to present both Catholic and secular music, from a musician's perspective. Join Alex for a fun, fast-paced half-hour that includes several songs aimed to inspire your work week. |
Sat, 14 September 2013
The Bishop Kelly Knights are celebrating 50 years of football this season! Game #2 is a home game against the Jerome Tigers. The Tigers strike first with a quick score, but once the dust settles this hot Saturday afternoon...the Knights enjoy the 56-22 victory. Again, the Voice of the Knights, Dave Skinner delivers play-by-play with Ben Ysursa providing color commentary. |
Fri, 13 September 2013
Oooooo...it's Friday the 13th - be prepared! It's a new episode of MADE FOR MORE with your host this week - Chris Kreslins - who tackles the important issues our Catholic teens face in today's culture ... the more you listen, the more you learn! Made For More is heard every Friday at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio ... 1140 KGEM-AM in the Boise area and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Tue, 10 September 2013
As our "Parts of the Mass" series continues on COLLAR TALK, this week Fr. Justin and Fr. Caleb will discuss the Lamb of God, or the Agnus Dei. These shows are both entertaining and informative so make sure you're tuned into Salt & Light Radio every Tuesday at 3:30pm ... 1140 KGEM-AM in the Boise area and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Mon, 9 September 2013
In this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob sits down to chat with Travis Wingo about an interesting men's group that challenges young males to break out of those stereotypes to become better husbands and fathers. If you are a young man, you need to hear this episode! Remember, Journeys of Faith can be heard Mondays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio ... 1140 KGEM-AM in Boise and 1340 KTFI-AM serving the Magic Valley. |
Fri, 6 September 2013
This season, help celebrate 50 years of football excellence by the Bishop Kelly Knights! As they embark on the Golden Anniversary season, you can hear all the games on Salt & Light Radio, 1140 KGEM-AM. Friday, Sept. 6th, the Knights started the year off with a hard-fought 14 to 10 victory over the Skyview Hawks. Dave Skinner on play-by-play along with special guest Dan Hawkins! |
Wed, 4 September 2013
In this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER, your hosts Jim & Mary Ellen Nourse sit down with Fr. Henry Carmona to reflect upon the Gospel readings from Sept. 1st as well as look ahead to the readings we'll hear at Mass coming up this Sunday, Sept. 8th. Plus, the Vocations Minute and an informative Q&A session with Fr. Henry. |
Tue, 3 September 2013
As we continue our long series of programs entitled "Parts of the Mass," this week's COLLAR TALK program will focus on The Prayers of the Faithful. Tune in as Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady discuss this important part of our weekly worship. Collar Talk is heard Tuesday afternoons at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio. 1140 KGEM-AM in the Treasure Valley and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Mon, 2 September 2013
In this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob chats with Kevin Molm - the new leader of high school ministries at Holy Apostles in Meridian. Listen to Kevin's exciting journey from growing up in Billings, MT then meeting his wife in college at University of Montana in Missoula, to their recent adventure of moving to the Treasure Valley. Please welcome the Molm family to the Boise Diocese! |
Fri, 30 August 2013
This week on MADE FOR MORE, a local Catholic radio show for teens, your host is Chris Kreslins and he has breaking news about Area 51 and the cost of raising a child. Plus, he shares prayers, stories and encouraging dialogue to help Catholic teenagers fight back against the secular culture. |
Wed, 28 August 2013
Join Fr. Flores for this week's edition of FAITH WITH FATHER as he reflects upon the Gospel readings from Sunday, August 25th and then offers his thoughts on the upcoming readings on September 1st. |
Tue, 27 August 2013
As we continue our long series of programs entitled "Parts of the Mass," we focus on The Creed this week. Tune in as Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady discuss this important part part of our weekly worship in this edition of COLLAR TALK, heard Tuesday afternoons at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio. 1140 KGEM-AM in the Treasure Valley and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Mon, 26 August 2013
In this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, our host Deacon Bob chats with a familiar voice here at Salt & Light - Chris Kreslins! Chris shares his own Journey of Faith, along with his vision of the future of young adult ministry in our area. JOURNEYS OF FAITH is heard every Monday afternoon at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio: 1140 KGEM-AM in the Treasure Valley and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Fri, 23 August 2013
In this edition of MADE FOR MORE, our local Catholic radio show for teens, Johnny & Lorissa Horn sit down to interview one of our amazing seminarians for the Diocese of Boise, Daniel Miller! Listen up, young people, and please consider your future vocations - you were MADE FOR MORE!! |
Wed, 21 August 2013
This week on FAITH WITH FATHER, join Fr. Henry Carmona as he reflects on the Gospel readings from August 18th, then shares his thoughts regarding the readings from this coming Sunday, August 25th. FAITH WITH FATHER is heard every Wednesday afternoon at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio - 1140 KGEM-AM in the Treasure Valley and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Tue, 20 August 2013
Last week, we began a long series of programs entitled "Parts of the Mass." This week, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady will discuss one of those important parts - The Gloria. Tune in and learn more about this beautiful part of our weekly worship in this edition of COLLAR TALK, heard Tuesday afternoons at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Catholic Radio. 1140 KGEM-AM in the Treasure Valley and 1340 KTFI-AM in the Magic Valley. |
Mon, 19 August 2013
Earlier this month, our host - Deacon Bob - shared why he stepped down from Treasure Valley Young Adult Ministry. In this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, he visits with the NEW director of TVYAM - Natalie Nathan! Hear what fun things she has planned for area young adults as they continue to travel on their respective JOURNEYS OF FAITH. |
Fri, 16 August 2013
In this episode of MADE FOR MORE, our local Catholic Radio Show for Teens, host Chris Kreslins asks, "Will you be ready when Jesus returns?" He welcomes guest Alex Street to discuss a great new app designed to help develop spiritual fitness. Plus, Alex shares one of his original songs (which may become the official theme of the show!) |
Wed, 14 August 2013
In this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER, Fr. Flores will reflect upon the Gospel readings from August 11th and then discuss the upcoming readings for Sunday, August 18th. |
Tue, 13 August 2013
We love it when the priests kick of an interesting series of shows. This edition of COLLAR TALK is entitled "Parts of the Mass" where Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady discuss those pieces during our worship that do not change week to week. In upcoming programs, they will talk about the Gloria and the Creed. Tune in every Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 to 1140 KGEM-AM or check out the podcasts on www.SaltandLightRadio.com |
Mon, 12 August 2013
Oh sure, his mother's salsa may be more famous, but perhaps not for long after this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH. Listen in as Deacon Bob sits down with Scotty Bennett, an incredible young man about to start his junior year of high school at Bishop Kelly. They'll discuss his faith walk, strong leadership skills and future plans to use the talents God has given him. |
Fri, 9 August 2013
MADE FOR MORE is a locally-produced Catholic radio show for teens. If you ARE a teenager, or if you KNOW a Catholic teen, please be sure they are listening to 1140 KGEM-AM every Friday afternoon at 3:30 ... or if you miss the show on-air, download the podcasts at www.SaltandLightRadio.com In this week's episode, Johnny & Lorissa Horn return to host the show - tune in to see what they're up to! |
Wed, 7 August 2013
Fr. Henry Carmona joins Jim & Hernan in the studio for another edition of FAITH WITH FATHER. In this program, Father Henry will reflect upon the Gospel readings from August 4th and then discuss the upcoming readings on August 11th. Plus, the Vocations Minute and an informative Q&A portion to wrap up this half-hour of local Catholic programming. |
Tue, 6 August 2013
Why does the Church prefer "chant" above all other forms of music performed during the Mass? Tune into this edition of COLLAR TALK, as Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady discuss that very topic in this entertaining half-hour of local Catholic radio. |
Mon, 5 August 2013
In this edition, Deacon Bob invites guest Alex Street to JOURNEYS OF FAITH as they talk music, young adult ministry and a new program hitting the airwaves in September - learn more by listening to this local show! |
Fri, 2 August 2013
Now that Pete & Jaime have embarked upon new adventures in the Magic Valley, in this episode of MADE FOR MORE, we introduce new host - Chris Kreslins! Chris will now alternate with Johnny & Lorissa Horn as host of our local Catholic radio show for teens. This is the maiden voyage of Chris hosting the show - enjoy! |
Tue, 30 July 2013
What is an Antiphon and what is it's purpose in a Catholic Mass? Join Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady for this episode of COLLAR TALK as they discuss singing hymns during certain parts of the Mass versus using the Antiphons. How does the modern church celebrate when compared to the Church of long ago? Tune in every Tuesday at 3:30pm to learn more about your Catholic faith! |
Fri, 26 July 2013
In celebration of World Youth Day in Rio, Johnny & Lorissa Horn host this special edition of MADE FOR MORE as they discuss the impact of WYD 2013 on Catholic teens, in Idaho and around the world. |