Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

On this edition of CATHOLIC IDAHO, we interview the host of EWTN's radio/television program "The World Over" ... none other than Raymond Arroyo!

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_36_062717-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

   THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is a weekly on-air Bible study led by Fr. Caleb Vogel from St. Paul's parish in Nampa.  In this week's class, we discuss John 8:12-30 where Jesus tells the crowd that He is the Light of the World and also the Father's Ambassador.

Direct download: Gospel_of_John_SHOW_18_062717-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Direct download: 1000_Days_Week_63__062517-60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

   In this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Mike and Alberto discuss the recent Junior High Camp.  What do our Catholic youth get out of these summer events?  Tune in and find out!

Direct download: Made_For_More_Show_43_062317-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Part 2 of "Technology" is the topic on WHERE FAITH BEGINS, hosted by Jake & Lindsay Dyson.

Direct download: Where_Faith_Begins_Show_19_062217-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   On this edition of VOCATIONS FOCUS, Jim Nourse and Brian Howell interview (via telephone) a priest from the Northern Deanery - a first for the program!  It's Fr. Daniel Nolan FSSP from St. Joan of Arc in Coeur d'Alene

Direct download: Vocations_Focus_Show_46_062117-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   During this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO, we sit down with a couple of Idaho Lay Dominicans in John Keenan and David Charnock.  Plus, a recent homily from Fr. Vogel at St. Paul’s in Nampa.  We’ll also get “Five for the Faith” on the topic of “Gratitude” from Fr. Mike St. Marie at St. Edward’s in Twin Falls.  And speaking of our Magic Valley team - we kick off the show from Stanton Health Care...

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_35_062017-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

   We begin Chapter 8 of THE GOSPEL OF JOHN with the story of the woman caught in adultery.  During this weekly half-hour Bible study, Fr. Caleb Vogel from St. Paul's in Nampa leads the discussion as we break open the Word of God.  (JOHN 8:1-11)

Direct download: Gospel_of_John_SHOW_17_062017-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Dcn. Bob discusses Corpus Christi on this edition of DEACON DIARIES

Direct download: Deacon_Diaries_Show_19_061917-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Direct download: 1000_Days_Week_62__061817-60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

   Mike & Alberto are in Stanley at a leadership camp.  Thus, "Leadership" will be the topic of discussion during this pre-recorded episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens!

Direct download: Made_For_More_Show_42_061617-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   On this edition of CATHOLIC IDAHO, our KTFI team of Jerry Marcantonio and Melanie Leija report on the Festa event in Buhl.  Also, Fr. Mike St. Marie covers the topic of "forgiveness" during Five for the Faith.  Finally, Emily Naugle and Karen Simkins have our Passionately Pro-Life segment, talking about the difficult subject of miscarriage.

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_34_061317-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

John 7:25-52 ... The Gospel of John is a weekly half-hour on-air Bible study led by Fr. Caleb Vogel from St. Paul's parish in Nampa.  In today's lesson, we finish up Chapter 7 with several stories: the Pharisees sending officers to arrest Jesus (verse 32), claiming to give "rivers of living water" to anyone who believed in Him (verse 37) and then the heated discussion that followed regarding the Origins of the Messiah (verse 40). 

Direct download: Gospel_of_John_SHOW_16_061317-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Direct download: 1000_Days_Week_61__061117-60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

   In this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Mike and Alberto prepare for Leadership Camp where they plan to unveil the ideas behind IMPACT!  What is it?  How do youth get involved?  What will they be doing if they DO get involved?  Tune in and find out!

Direct download: Made_For_More_Show_41_060917-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   On this edition of WHERE FAITH BEGINS, your hosts - Jake & Lindsay Dyson - give you Part 1 regarding the topic of "Technology."

Direct download: Where_Faith_Begins_Show_18_060817-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

June 8, 2017 at St. John's Cathedral.  

Direct download: Ordination_Mass_-_John_Kucera_060817.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm MST

   Mary Ellen Nourse travels to Cottonwood and hosts this episode of VOCATIONS FOCUS where she interviews Fr. Paul Wander at St. Mary's.

Direct download: Vocations_Focus_Show_45_060717-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   CATHOLIC IDAHO returns with a jam-packed episode kicked off with Fr. Vogel's reflections on Pentecost ... a piece from "Passionately Pro-Life" ... Diana Grandy interviews Salt & Light's summer intern ... "Five for the Faith" from Fr. Mike St. Marie and "The Tall Truth" from Shelly Donahue to help you parent for purity.

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_33_060617-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

   Time to start a new chapter as we continue to explore the GOSPEL OF JOHN - our weekly half-hour Bible study led by Fr. Caleb Vogel from St. Paul's parish in Nampa.  We launch into the Feast of the Tabernacles by reading John 7:1-24

Direct download: Gospel_of_John_SHOW_15_060617-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Direct download: 1000_Days_Week_60__060417-60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

  Absorb the insights and serenity of the monastic life through your radio!  Salt & Light Radio presents First Friday at the Monastery - featuring Southern Idaho’s own Benedictine monks from the Monastery of the Ascension.  We bring you the beauty, inspiration and peace of a retreat at Ascension Monastery as the monks share their deep spirituality, wisdom and knowledge.  First Friday at the Monastery can be heard on the first Friday of each month at 6:00pm on Salt & Light Radio.

Direct download: First_Friday_Show_34_060217-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

   In this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Mike and Alberto discuss the upcoming Pentecost Sunday and how that translates to the recent confirmations in our area.  How does that same Holy Spirit the Apostles received over 2,000 years ago inspire the Catholic youth of today?

Direct download: Made_For_More_Show_40_060217-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

  This month on GO ASK FATHER, Fr. Julio Vicente answers questions about the Catholic faith submitted by the school children at St. Edward's School in Twin Falls.

Direct download: Go_Ask_Father_Episode_25_060117-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST