Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

   For the final MADE FOR MORE program of 2014, Chris Kreslins is your host and will look back at the year to pick out "The Best Of..."  Find out if your favorite song, movie, sports moment, etc. made Chris' list.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show40_122614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST


 Another special treat on this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO - more music to prepare your heart for the upcoming Christmas season.  Tonight, “Christmas at the Shrine” from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  There will also be a reading of the Christmas Story by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, founder of the Shrine.

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_122314Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey concludes his series regarding Advent on today's edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  Tune in as Deacon Bob shares his insight about this season of preparation.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_122214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Johnny & Lorissa Horn host this episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  This week, fresh off of the Bishop Installation Mass, we remember the highlights from this beautiful moment in our Diocese's history.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show39_121914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Jim Nourse and Fr. Rob Cook bring you this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER on Salt & Light Radio.  Fr. Rob will reflect upon the Gospel readings we heard Gaudete Sunday and then we look ahead to the 4th Sunday of Advent, plus we answer your questions about our Catholic faith and talk about vocations as well.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_121714-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

This week on CATHOLIC IDAHO, we bring you more music for the season - Christmas at Harvard Square from the St. Paul School Choir.  There has been alot of buzz about this album on different EWTN programs - now hear it for yourself!

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_121614Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

Collar Talk - DEC. 16th

   As the season of Advent comes to a close and Christmas begins, join Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin for COLLAR TALK as they delve into music and scripture that set the mood for the impending birth of the Christ child.

Direct download: CollarTalk_121614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - Advent Series #2

How can you tell your story and share your faith if you don't have a story...or faith?  Find out on this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH as Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey continues to delve into the new evangelization during the current Advent season.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_121514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - DEC. 12th

Chris Kreslins returns to host a fresh new edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - where among the topics of conversation are:  Pope Francis, Tom Brady, retailers starting Christmas in October and of course preparing our hearts during Advent.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show38_121214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Recorded live from Saturday, December 6th at St. Mark's Catholic Community in Boise, enjoy the music and scripture readings of the annual Advent Concert during this special podcast presentation from Salt & Light Radio. 

Direct download: StMarksAdventConcert-2014FULL_-_PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

Collar Talk - Gaudete Sunday

Two Sundays out of every liturgical year, the priest wears his rose-colored vestments - why?  On this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin will address the 3rd Sunday of Advent, also known as "Gaudete Sunday."

Direct download: CollarTalk_120914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - Advent Series #1

Dcn. Robert Barros-Bailey launches his annual Advent Series during JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  This first show is among one of Deacon Bob's very best so please tune in and be prepared to be challenged during this season of preperation.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_120814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

First Friday at the Monastery

Your host, Pete Espil, takes you on another radio retreat with First Friday at the Monastery.  Learn more about the monks of the Ascension Monastery through interviews, music, prayer and much more.

Direct download: First_Friday_Show_4_120514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST


Welcome to a fresh new episode of SAINTSCAPADES!  In this adventure, we learn more about the patron saint of travelers - St. Christopher!

Direct download: SaintScapades_StChristopher_120414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk

As the Advent season begins, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady devote this episode of COLLAR TALK to sharing music that is better suited for the Mass as we launch into a new liturgical year.

Direct download: CollarTalk_120214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST