Mon, 30 November 2020
Eddie Trask, author of the book “Confession All” joins Morning Light for the 5th and final week on the subject of scrupulosity. During this series, we’ve focused on a different Saint each week and used their thoughts & experiences to help us through. However, today we’ll focus on the father of the Protestant Revolt - Martin Luther!
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_531_-_SEG_3_113020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MST |
Mon, 30 November 2020
During our weekly pro-life segment, Morning Light welcomes David Ripley from Idaho Chooses Life to discuss what's coming up during the 2021 Idaho Legislative Session among other topics.
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_531_-_SEG_1_113020.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MST |
Mon, 30 November 2020
Morning Light talks with Margaret Hampton - Development Director for the Diocese of Boise - about #iGiveCatholic, an annual fundraiser on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 1st)
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_531_-_SEG_2_113020.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MST |