Mon, 10 August 2020
Morning Light welcomes back Dr. Scott French, Director of the Magis Center, to discuss the ways in which the Shroud of Turin can scientifically prove the resurrection of Jesus.
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_451_-_SEG_3_081020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MST |
Mon, 10 August 2020
During the weekly pro-life segment of Morning Light, we play back the next video in a series from Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests For Life entitled “Abortion and the Tyrant State.” Fr. Frank quotes extensively from St. Pope John Paul II's “The Gospel of Life.” How can we be a democracy when we don’t even protect the essential right to life?
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_451_-_SEG_1_081020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am MST |
Mon, 10 August 2020
Morning Light talks with Jackie Hopper, Director of Religious Education and Catechetical Leadership Office
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_451_-_SEG_2_081020.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MST |