Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts (general)
Collar Talk - June 16th

   On this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Brady and Fr. Vogel cover a lot of topics from "What did Pope Francis Say?" to "Exorcism Talk"   The more you listen - the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_061615-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JUNE 9th

   COLLAR TALK has been revamped in order to bring you more information regarding a wider variety of topics.  In this fresh new episode, Fr. Vogel and Fr. Brady will go over the following:  Which Pope Said It?  What is a Sacramental?  And, they'll talk about St. Ephrem as well.  If you have a question for an upcoming program, please email it to:

Direct download: CollarTalk_060915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - MAY 22nd

   Enjoy this version of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - where this week's host, Johnny Horn, talks about the Holy Spirit as we prepare for Pentecost Sunday.  Congrats to Johnny & Lorissa on the birth of their new son!!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show13_052215-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - MAY 15th

   Chris Kreslins is your host for this special edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  This weekend is special because there may be graduations...8th grade, high school or college.  How does the story of David & Goliath go along with these important events in a young person's life?  Find out by listening to this week's program!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show12_051515-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - MAY 13th

   Ascension Thursday is the topic for today's FAITH WITH FATHER with your hosts: Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_051315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - MAY 11

   "Transitions" is the title of today's episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  Join your host - Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey - as he discusses further an idea from Fr. Robert Barron regarding the ancient wheel of fortune.  Where are you at on your wheel?  Who is at the center of your wheel?  Listen to this inspiring local program then decide for yourself!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_051115-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - MAY 8th

   Johnny Horn is your host today on MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  Today's topic - Be Not Afraid!  Recently, major sports figures have used their time in the spotlight to share their faith with the world.  Do people know that YOU are a Christian?  Be Not Afraid to share your faith with others!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show11_050815-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Go Ask Father - MAY

   This month on GO ASK FATHER, our questions come from the 5th & 6th grade classes at St. Nicholas School ... and the answers are courtesy of Fr. Jerome Montez.

Direct download: Go_Ask_Father_Episode_2_050715-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - MAY 1st

   Chris Kreslins is your host for an all-new MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens!  Have you done something in your life that made you feel unworthy of God's love?  Made a decision so wrong that you feel unworthy of His mercy?  Then tune in to today's show!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show10_050115-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell host FAITH WITH FATHER where this week they will reflect on the Gospel readings from last Sunday the 19th and then look ahead to the readings we'll hear during the 4th Sunday of Easter.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_042215-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - APR. 13th

   JOURNEYS OF FAITH with your host Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey heard Mondays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio.  Now that we are in the Easter season, do we really understand the deep mystery of what we've received?  "Mystagogy" is the topic of today's program - the more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_041315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith with Father - APR 8th

   Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry Harris from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell return for this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER.  They will first reflect upon the Gospel readings we heard on Easter Sunday and then look ahead to what we'll hear on Divine Mercy Sunday - the Second Sunday of Easter.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_040815-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - APR. 6th

   This episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH will conclude the series of programs discussing George Weigel's book "Evangelizing Catholicism."  Join Deacon Bob & Pete Simon as they discuss "The Joy of the Gospel" taken from the chapter of the book called "Afterward."  You are encouraged to head to Reilly's and purchase this book - it will challenge you and your faith.  Once you finish reading it, come back to the podcasts of this series and listen again to these past programs regarding the book.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_040615-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

SaintScapades - ST. CASIMIR

Feast: March 4

Direct download: SaintScapades_St_Casimir_031615-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

As we wrap up our Lenten journey, enjoy our Palm Sunday edition of COLLAR TALK as Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss Holy Week and the liturgical music that accompanies these most holy days.

Direct download: CollarTalk_032415-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - MARCH 23

If we knew how the game ended, would we play it differently?  Would we watch from the sidelines or become more involved?  Deacon Bob and Pete Simon have reached the end of their review of the book "Evangelizing Catholicism" by George Weigel.  On this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, part 1 of the chapter called "Afterward" and discuss these topics.  

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_032315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - St. Patrick's Day

   Happy St. Patrick's Day!  How much do you know about one of the more popular Saints of our Church?  It's more than shamrocks and green beer  ;-)  We invite you to listen to COLLAR TALK today as Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady give you the facts, help dispel some of the myths and even play some Celtic-inspired hymns (other than Oh Danny Boy!)

Direct download: CollarTalk_031715-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - MAR. 16th

   During this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Dcn. Robert Barros-Bailey and guest Pete Simon continue to unpack George Wiegel's book "Evangelizing Catholicism."  This week, the topic is "True Reform of the Church" - the more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_031615-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   It's our first new episode of FAITH WITH FATHER for 2015, thanks to Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell.  They reflect on the Gospel readings we heard this past weekend and then look ahead to the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_031115-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   On this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin continue to look at "Eucharistic Adoration Outside of Mass" - according to the Vatican document Redemptionis Sacramentum.  To follow along, we are at Chapter 6, Paragraph 134

Direct download: CollarTalk_031015-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - MAR. 9th

   Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey and his guest, Pete Simon, team up again for this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH!  They continue to tackle George Weigel's recent book "Evangelizing Catholicism."  This week, "True Reform in the Church" - the more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_030915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Go Ask Father - MARCH

   Salt & Light Radio takes the microphone to the classroom and records questions about the Catholic faith from elementary grade students.  The questions are answered by Fr. Jerome Montez in a new local radio program - Go Ask Father.  The pilot program aired on Thursday, March 5 at 3:30pm on 1270 KTFI in Twin Falls.  It will then air monthly on the first Thursday of the month. 

Direct download: Go_Ask_Father_Episode_1_030515-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - MAR. 3rd

   Today on COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin talk about St. Katharine Drexel on this - her feast day.  Plus, a look at what the Church teaches regarding Eucharistic Adoration.  And finally, two versions of the same song as we focus on liturgical music.

Direct download: CollarTalk_030315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - MAR. 2nd

   Join your host Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey and his guest Pete Simon on JOURNEYS OF FAITH as they wrap up the ten characteristics of "Evangelical Catholicism" - the recent book by George Wiegel.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_030215-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - FEB. 27th

Johnny & Lorissa Horn are your hosts this week on MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  The 2015 ICYC is just one week away!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show7_022715-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - FEB. 24th

   This week on COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the first week of our Lenten journey towards the Easter season.  What has changed in our Liturgy?  How has the music differed from Ordinary Time?

Direct download: CollarTalk_022415-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - FEB. 23rd

   Join your host Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey and his guest Pete Simon on JOURNEYS OF FAITH as they continue to go through the ten characteristics of "Evangelical Catholicism" - the recent book by George Wiegel.  Today, they go over #7 and #8...

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_022315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - FEB. 20th

   Chris Kreslins returns to host this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  With Ash Wednesday behind us, and our Lenten journey ahead, we listen to a few songs that keep us focused on Christ and the Cross.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show6_022015-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - Ash Wednesday

   It's the Mardi Gras edition of COLLAR TALK!  Join Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady as they discuss Ash Wednesday and help us prepare to embark upon our Lenten journey.

Direct download: CollarTalk_021715-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - FEB. 16th

   Join your host Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey and his guest Pete Simon on JOURNEYS OF FAITH as they continue to go through the ten characteristics of Evangelical Catholicism - based on a recent book by George Wiegel.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_021615-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - FEB.10th

On this episode of COLLAR TALK, we celebrate the life of St. Scholastica - tune in to Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin as they discuss her life.  Also, learn more about "Linens" (para. #120) and "Vestments" (para. #123) as put forth in the document Redemptionis Sacramentum

Direct download: CollarTalk_021015-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - FEB. 9th

   In this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob and his guest, Pete Simon, continue to explore the recent book by George Weigel entitled "Evangelizing Catholicism."  Learn about characteristics #3 and #4 of the evangelical Catholic on this week's program!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_020915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - FEB. 3rd

   On this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady will discuss St. Blaise, the proper care of our sacred vessals for the Holy Eucharist (paragraph #117 of Redemptionis Sacramentum) and why our liturgical music should sing about God and not us as a congregation.

Direct download: CollarTalk_020315-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - FEB. 2nd

   In this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Bob and his guest, Pete Simon, continue to explore the recent book by George Weigel entitled "Evangelizing Catholicism."  Both educational and inspiring - the more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_020215-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

To celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, the five area Catholic Schools and students from Bishop Kelly High School joined Bishop Peter Christensen from St. Mark's in Boise for the All Schools Mass.

Direct download: All-Schools_Mass_013015-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am MST

   This episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH kicks-off a new series regarding the book by George Weigel entitled "Evangelical Catholicism"  Your host - Deacon Bob Barros-Bailey - welcomes guest Pete Simon to help break down the concepts within this important book.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_011915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Deacon Bob is back from vacation!  On this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH hear all about his exotic trip - plus, he talks about a book entitled "Rebuilt" (written by Michael White and Tom Corcoran) which instructs us on how to become better equipped to evangelize.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_010915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   MADE FOR MORE is a Catholic radio show for teens, heard every Friday afternoon at 3:30 on Salt & Light Radio.  Johnny Horn is your host for the first show of the new year ... taking a look back at last year to spotlight eight songs that stood out in his mind.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show1_010915-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   For the final MADE FOR MORE program of 2014, Chris Kreslins is your host and will look back at the year to pick out "The Best Of..."  Find out if your favorite song, movie, sports moment, etc. made Chris' list.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show40_122614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST


 Another special treat on this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO - more music to prepare your heart for the upcoming Christmas season.  Tonight, “Christmas at the Shrine” from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  There will also be a reading of the Christmas Story by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, founder of the Shrine.

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_122314Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey concludes his series regarding Advent on today's edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  Tune in as Deacon Bob shares his insight about this season of preparation.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_122214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   Johnny & Lorissa Horn host this episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  This week, fresh off of the Bishop Installation Mass, we remember the highlights from this beautiful moment in our Diocese's history.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show39_121914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

This week on CATHOLIC IDAHO, we bring you more music for the season - Christmas at Harvard Square from the St. Paul School Choir.  There has been alot of buzz about this album on different EWTN programs - now hear it for yourself!

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_121614Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

Collar Talk - DEC. 16th

   As the season of Advent comes to a close and Christmas begins, join Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin for COLLAR TALK as they delve into music and scripture that set the mood for the impending birth of the Christ child.

Direct download: CollarTalk_121614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - Advent Series #2

How can you tell your story and share your faith if you don't have a story...or faith?  Find out on this episode of JOURNEYS OF FAITH as Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey continues to delve into the new evangelization during the current Advent season.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_121514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - DEC. 12th

Chris Kreslins returns to host a fresh new edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - where among the topics of conversation are:  Pope Francis, Tom Brady, retailers starting Christmas in October and of course preparing our hearts during Advent.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show38_121214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Recorded live from Saturday, December 6th at St. Mark's Catholic Community in Boise, enjoy the music and scripture readings of the annual Advent Concert during this special podcast presentation from Salt & Light Radio. 

Direct download: StMarksAdventConcert-2014FULL_-_PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm MST

Collar Talk - Gaudete Sunday

Two Sundays out of every liturgical year, the priest wears his rose-colored vestments - why?  On this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin will address the 3rd Sunday of Advent, also known as "Gaudete Sunday."

Direct download: CollarTalk_120914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - Advent Series #1

Dcn. Robert Barros-Bailey launches his annual Advent Series during JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  This first show is among one of Deacon Bob's very best so please tune in and be prepared to be challenged during this season of preperation.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_120814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST


Welcome to a fresh new episode of SAINTSCAPADES!  In this adventure, we learn more about the patron saint of travelers - St. Christopher!

Direct download: SaintScapades_StChristopher_120414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk

As the Advent season begins, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady devote this episode of COLLAR TALK to sharing music that is better suited for the Mass as we launch into a new liturgical year.

Direct download: CollarTalk_120214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - Thanksgiving

   This edition of COLLAR TALK is focused on the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving as Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin share memories and musical selections for this wonderful time of year to give thanks to our Lord.  Also, if you want Fr. Caleb's recipe for the Double Layer Pumpkin Pie, it is listed below - just in time for the big day.  Enjoy!

Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

4 oz softened cream cheese
1 tbls milk or half and half
1 tbls sugar
1.5 cups Cool Whip
1 cup milk or half and half
2 packages Instant Vanilla Pudding (4 serving size)
1 16 oz can pumpkin
1 tsp cinnamon
.5 tsp ginger
.25 tsp cloves

Mix cream cheese, milk and sugar I to a bowl and whisk until smooth.

Gently stir in whip topping.

Spread onto bottom of crust.

Prepare pudding
Mix pumpkin and spices
Mix pudding an pumpkin together.

Spread over cream cheese

Refrigerate for 3 hours.

Direct download: CollarTalk_112514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - NOV. 21st

   It's the end of our Liturgical Calendar this Sunday as we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  On today's edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Johnny & Lorissa Horn return as your hosts along with special guest, Daniel Miller, to discuss this important day. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show37_112114-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - NOV. 18th

   In this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the upcoming celebration (Nov. 23rd) of "Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe" or what most call it - The Feast of Christ the King.  What music could be used this weekend to celebrate this important Mass?  If you're a fan of Collar Talk, you know the hosts LOVE to share music that's better suited for our Sacred Liturgy.

Direct download: CollarTalk_111814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - NOV. 11th

   Funerals - or more specific in Catholic terminology - the Rite of Christian Burial should have music that properly fits the gravity and deep meaning of what's taking place.  In this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin present their second installment of this 3-part series, explaining more about how sacred music can make the Rite even more beautiful.

Direct download: CollarTalk_111114-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - NOV. 7th

Earlier in the week, Bishop Peter was introduced to the Diocese of Boise!  On this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Chris Kreslins will talk about his brief encounter with our new church leader ... as well as reflect upon his dealings with Bishop Mike the past two years.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show36_110714-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - NOV. 5th

   In this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER, Dcn. Kerry Harris and Fr. Francisco Flores from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell will reflect upon the Gospel readings from All Soul's Day and then look ahead to the readings we will hear this Sunday - the Dedication of the St. John Lateran Basilica.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_110514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - NOV. 4th

   What kind of music do we use to celebrate a Catholic funeral?  Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin kick-off another 3-part series on this edition of COLLAR TALK.  

Direct download: CollarTalk_110414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - OCT. 31st

   This week on MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens - Chris Kreslins returns to finish what he started two weeks ago.  Then, he talked about the JOY of the Gospel ... this week, learn how that joy can make us HAPPY, while sharing several musical selections that talk about that very emotion.  Change your station - change your life!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show35_103114-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - OCT. 28th

   On this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady team up to talk about All Soul's Day and share some potential musical selections we could hear this weekend.

Direct download: CollarTalk_102814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - OCT 21st

   This episode of COLLAR TALK originally aired on Oct. 22nd of last year.  Fr. Justin Brady and Fr. Caleb Vogel kicked-off a new series of programs focused on Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, one of the constitutions of the Second Vatican Council.  What does it really say?  Find out WHY we do what we do as faithful Catholics.  The more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_102213-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - OCT. 20th

   In this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, your host - Dcn. Robert Barros-Bailey - talks about "Works of Mercy" and what that means to him as a Deacon, and what it should mean to us as Catholics.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_102014-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - OCT. 17th

   Chris Kreslins is your host this week on MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens!  Today, Chris talks about the joy of the Gospel and how we can share that with our friends, family and classmates.  If we LIVE that joy, it makes talking about and sharing our faith a little easier.  Change your station - change your life!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show34_101714-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - OCT. 14th

   Today on COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin wrap up their 3-part series regarding Holy Communion based on what they have discovered in reading the 2005 document - Redemptionis Sacramentum.  The more you listen - the more you learn! 

Direct download: CollarTalk_101414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - OCT. 13th

   Today on JOURNEYS OF FAITH - "The Dalmatic Diaries" Deacon Bob continues to discuss the three Sacraments that he and fellow Deacons can take part in.  This week, we wrap up this 3-part special series with "Baptism."

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_101314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - OCT 8th

   Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry team up again to bring you FAITH WITH FATHER.  They will reflect upon the Gospel readings from this past Sunday and then look ahead to what we will hear at Mass this coming Sunday - the 28th Sunday of Ordinary TIme.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_100814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - OCT. 7th

   Today on COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin continue their 3-part series regarding Holy Communion based on what they have discovered in reading the 2005 document - Redemptionis Sacramentum.  The more you listen - the more you learn! 

Direct download: CollarTalk_100714-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - Sept. 30th

   Today on COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin will kick-off a 3-part series regarding Holy Communion based on what they have discovered in reading the 2005 document - Redemptionis Sacramentum.  The more you listen - the more you learn! 

Direct download: CollarTalk_093014-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - SEPT. 26th

   Johnny & Lorissa Horn are the hosts of today's MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens!  It's a beautiful day as the Fall season begins - and they talk about their favorite Saints plus answer the question:  Why do we celebrate Mass on Sunday and not the Sabbath on Saturday like in the Old Testament?  The more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show32_092614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - SEPT. 23rd

   Now that Bishop Mike has sent in his letter to "retire," what happens next?  On this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the process of how the Diocese of Boise will eventually get a new Bishop.  What part does the Vatican, and even Pope Francis himself, play in the selection of our next leader?  The more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_092314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - SEPT. 19th

   Chris Kreslins is your host for today's episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  How are you vital to the Church's mission?  What can you and your friends do better to spread the faith?  Chris talks about a big word that may pop up from time to time (hint - it starts with the letter "E").  What is it?  TUNE IN and find out!  The more you listen...the more you learn!  

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show31_091914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - SEPT. 16th

   On this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the parts of the Mass that can be chanted, even playing back some different chants for you to hear.  The more you listen, the more you learn - Collar Talk is heard Tuesday afternoons at 3:30 on Salt & Light Catholic Radio:  1140 KGEM-AM and 1340 KTFI-AM

Direct download: CollarTalk_091614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - SEPT. 15th

   This is part 2 of a special series on JOURNEYS OF FAITH - "The Dalmatic Diaries" as Deacon Bob discusses the three Sacraments that he and fellow Deacons can take part in.  This week - "Marriage" and what it means to him to help couples prepare for this amazing journey.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_091514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - SEPT. 9th

   As we prepare for this coming Sunday, this episode of COLLAR TALK is about the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.  Tune in as Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss this important day in our liturgical calendar along with proper music for this Mass.

Direct download: CollarTalk_090914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - SEPT. 8th

   In this special series - the Dalmatic Diaries - Dcn. Robert Barros-Bailey returns to host a new JOURNEYS OF FAITH.  Over the coming weeks, he will be sharing with us the Sacraments that Deacons can officiate - this week, he talks about funerals.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_090814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - SEPT. 5th

   Last month, Bishop Mike turned 75 and Canon Law required him to turn in a letter stating his retirement.  How is a new Bishop appointed to the Diocese of Boise?  What is the history behind "Apostolic Succession?"  Chris Kreslins returns to host this episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  Check out the podcast to learn more about this amazing piece of our Catholic faith!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show29_090514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - SEPT. 2nd

   September 3rd was the feast day for St. Gregory the Great.  On this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady talk about all the wonderful things this Pope and Doctor of the Church did in his lifetime. 

Direct download: CollarTalk_090214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - AUG. 29th

   Johnny & Lorissa are back to host this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for teens.  With all of the horrific images of Christian persecution on the news, internet, etc. ... we discuss what persecution means and some of the Saints and martyrs who have suffered throughout the Church's history.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show28_082914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - AUG. 26th

In this episode of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the Liturgy of the Word as they continue to unpack the Church document entitled "Redemptionis Sacramentum."  If you would like to follow along, you can find this document online at:

Direct download: CollarTalk_082614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - AUG. 19th

   In this edition of COLLAR TALK, join Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin as they discuss the recent news regarding the "Sign of Peace" within our Mass.  Should it be reformed?  Why should it be?  Find out what the writings of Mother Church say about this part of the liturgy.

Direct download: CollarTalk_081914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - AUG 13th

   This edition of FAITH WITH FATHER features Fr. Flores and Dcn. Kerry from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell.  Join them as they reflect upon the Gospel readings from August 10th and then look ahead to the readings we will hear during the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_081314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - AUG 12th

   On this episode of COLLAR TALK, your host priests - Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady - will discuss the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  What does it mean?  What kind of music could we hear during the Mass?  The more you listen - the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_081214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JULY 29th

   How do we set the tone for Sunday Mass?  It all begins with the Entrance Hymn!  In this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin share some different types of music, designed to prepare you for worship.

Direct download: CollarTalk_072914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - July 23rd

   Fr. Flores from Our Lady of the Valley in Caldwell is your guest priest on this week's episode of FAITH WITH FATHER.  Dcn. Kerry Harris and Fr. Flores reflect upon the Gospel readings from this past Sunday and look ahead to the readings we'll hear at Mass on July 27th.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_072314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JULY 22nd

   It's an interesting edition of COLLAR TALK as Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin play for you THREE different versions of the same song to demonstrate how appropriate certain musical styles are for our Sacred Liturgy.

Direct download: CollarTalk_072214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - JULY 18th

   Chris Kreslins returns to the studio to host this edition of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  Chris shares a couple of songs to inspire you plus poses this question...if God is love, and love never fails...then GOD NEVER FAILS!  Listen into Made For More, every Friday at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio:  1140 KGEM-AM and 1340 KTFI-AM.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show23_071814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JULY 15th

   In this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin welcome back Fr. Flores to discuss attending Mass while on vacation during the summer months.  The more you listen, the more you learn!  Check out Collar Talk, Tuesdays at 3:30pm on Salt & Light Radio:  1140 KGEM-AM (Boise) and 1340 KTFI-AM (Twin Falls).

Direct download: CollarTalk_071514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - JULY 9th

   In this edition of FAITH WITH FATHER, Dcn. Kerry and Fr. Flores will reflect upon the Gospel reading from the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time and then look ahead to what we'll hear at Mass on July 13th.  Plus, your questions about our Catholic faith get answered towards the end of the show.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_070914-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JULY 8th

   In this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Vogel and Fr. Brady have a special guest - Fr. Flores from OLV in Caldwell.  These three priests will discuss the "Cultural Challenges of Liturgy."  On the heels of the recent Convocation, how do parishes successfully invite our Latino brothers & sisters to join us in Mass and ministry?

Direct download: CollarTalk_070814-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - JULY 2nd

   FAITH WITH FATHER welcomes a new guest priest - Fr. Rob Irwin from Jerome!  Pam DiLucca from KTFI sits down with Fr. Rob to reflect upon the Gospel readings from the Sunday of Saints Peter & Paul and then look ahead to the readings we'll hear at Mass on July 6th.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_070214-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - JULY 1st

   In this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Vogel and Fr. Brady will discuss "Hymns for Oridinary Time."  What music does the Church prefer?  What do the documents say regarding sacred music for Liturgy?  Find out on this episode of Collar Talk - the more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_070114-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - June 25th

   This week, Dcn. Kerry and Fr. Flores get together for another great edition of FAITH WITH FATHER.  They will reflect upon the Gospel readings from Corpus Christi Sunday and then look ahead to the readings we'll hear at Mass this Sunday, June 29th...when we celebrate Saints Peter and Paul.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_062514-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Collar Talk - June 24th

   During this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb and Fr. Justin discuss the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and all the things that go along with that on this day.

Direct download: CollarTalk_062414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - JUNE 23rd

   On this edition of JOURNEYS OF FAITH, Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey bids an emotional good-bye to St. John's Cathedral, as he prepares to start a new chapter of his career in July at Holy Apostles in Meridian.  Find out all the details and re-live some great memories on this special program.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_062314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

COLLAR TALK - Corpus Christi

   This Sunday, we celebrate the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi.  Join Fr. Brady and Fr. Vogel on this edition of COLLAR TALK as they discuss this special day and bring up some music to help celebrate it properly.  The more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_061714-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Journeys of Faith - JUNE 16th

   Deacon Bob returns to host JOURNEYS OF FAITH - and discusses the importance of Deacons in our Catholic Schools.  He uses his experiences at St. Joe's to show the importance of reaching out to the young people within your respective parish.

Direct download: JourneysOfFaith_061614-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - JUNE 13th

   Johnny & Lorissa Horn are back as your hosts this week on MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  Find out what's going on in youth ministry this summer.

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show20_061314-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

COLLAR TALK - Holy Trinity Sunday

   As the Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity approaches, on this edition of COLLAR TALK, Fr. Caleb Vogel and Fr. Justin Brady discuss some great music that helps teach the sacred mystery of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The more you listen, the more you learn!

Direct download: CollarTalk_061014-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Made For More - JUNE 6th

   "Consumed" is the theme of the next ICYC which will be held at Bishop Kelly High School March 6-8, 2015.  Learn more about the history of this special conference on this special episode of MADE FOR MORE - the Catholic Radio Show for Teens.  This show was SOOOO big, it took all three of our hosts to pull it off - enjoy this incredible local program!

Direct download: MadeForMore_Show19_JUNE6-2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Faith With Father - JUNE 4th

   This episode of FAITH WITH FATHER is dedicated to Fr. Henry Carmona.  As we all know by now, Fr. Henry is retiring and returning to his native country of Columbia, South America.  Join Jim & MaryEllen Nourse as they chat with Fr. Henry one last time on this special local program.

Direct download: FaithWithFather_060414-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST