Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

Morning Light welcomes back Ken Jercha, talking about the Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Guadalupe (MUSIC - “Ave Maria”) then we discuss Advent  (MUSIC - “Emmanuel”)


Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1574_-_SEG_3_120524.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45am MST

Gina Schmidt joins Morning Light today to talk about Medication Safety during our Faith Community Nursing segment.  How can we keep better track of medications and why this is important? Is there a way to clear out old meds with safe disposal? Keep this Poison Control phone number close by - 800-222-1222. And, we learn more about the Patron Saint of pharmacists.


Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1574_-_SEG_2_120524.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25am MST

Vocations Focus is heard on the first and third Thursday of each month as part of Morning Light. Today, Jim & Mary Ellen Nourse talk with Chris Kreslins - after six years working in the Diocese of Boise, Chris went to work in Spokane. Today, he is the director of Vocation Pathway, a special program offered through Vianney Vocations.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_1574_-_SEG_1_120524.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:05am MST