Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

Deacon Gene Fadness, Editor of the Idaho Catholic Register, shares the latest edition with Morning Light.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_290_-_SEG_3_122019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_290_-_SEG_4_122019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_290_-_SEG_1_122019.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MDT

Ralph May (Executive Director) and Grant Breidenbach (Marketing Director) from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Southwest Idaho.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_290_-_SEG_2_122019.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MDT