Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

   From Churchbuilders, Morning Light welcomes Lucy Rodriguez of Saint Marks, Bruce Derry of Our Lady of the Rosary and Marty Quinowski of Saint John’s Cathedral.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_229_-_SEG_3_092619.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:30am MST

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_229_-_SEG_4_092619.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:30am MST

   Fr. John Mosier drops by Morning Light to discuss The Serra Club - what it does, who it's named after and how others can help promote vocations in our Diocese.

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_229_-_SEG_1_092619.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00am MST

   Every other Thursday morning, Gina Schmidt provides our Parish Nursing segment of Morning Light. We didn't finish our talk on pain last time so this episode discusses: Are there other medications for pain management? Can diet play a part in our pain? Are there topicals on the market to manage pain? (and other questions as well)

Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_229_-_SEG_2_092619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am MST