Tue, 19 March 2019
"Catholic Counseling" is a weekly segment on Morning Light where we’ve assembled a panel of experts to help Catholics maintain good mental health. This week, Kathy Edwards talks about "Spring Cleaning for the Mind" |
Tue, 19 March 2019
"Knights News" is a weekly segment of Morning Light. This week, we talk with Grand Knight Karl Korbin from the St. Edward's Council in Twin Falls. Besides all the wonderful pro-life work they do in the Magic Valley, find out the other projects they help with.
Direct download: Morning_Light_Show_92_-_SEG_4_031919.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:30am MST |
Tue, 19 March 2019
Today’s prayer: “Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Draw me in, with and through Mary, to the Fountain of Love and Mercy.” Questions for Day 28: Have you thought about dedicating a small corner of your home or your garden to Mary? Which is your favorite image or statue depicting Mary? Finally, “Divine Love placing a limit on evil” is how Pope John Paul II defines the Mercy of God. Everyone carries around past and present evils - what limits on those evils do you recognize as Divine Mercy in your life?
Direct download: Morning_Light_33_Days_Retreat-Day_28_031819.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MST |
Tue, 19 March 2019
John Keenan from the Idaho Lay Dominicans stops by Morning Light for his weekly segment. During this episode, he discusses "merit." |
Tue, 19 March 2019
"Cooking With Scripture" is a weekly segment of Morning Light where Chef Lou Aaron from Westside Drive-In (and a Deacon at Our Lady of the Rosary in Boise) shares some delicious food from Biblical times. This week, a delicious chicken wrap with chard, goat cheese and hot pepper as he talks about the meaning of the word "covenant." |