Wed, 25 April 2018
Today in the MAN CAVE, Pat King welcomes Andrew Furphy, one of the FOCUS missionaries at Boise State University. Hear about Andrew's faith journey and how he came to join FOCUS. Plus, learn how FOCUS is designed to create faith-based relationships with other young adults, whether it's a Bible study or playing sports on campus. |
Tue, 24 April 2018
In this edition of CATHOLIC IDAHO on Salt & Light Radio, we wrap up our 4-part series on human trafficking with Merikay Jost and Dawn Maglish. We also talk with Susan Tassone - "The Purgatory Lady" - on her new book: “St. Faustina - Prayer Book for Adoration” Plus, learn more about the benefits of cost-sharing with Brad Hahn - CEO of Solidarity Healthshare.
Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_13_042418-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST |