Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

   Jim & Mary Ellen Nourse travel to Fruitland for this edition of VOCATIONS FOCUS and chat with Fr. Camilo Garcia at Corpus Christi parish.

Direct download: Vocations_Focus_Show_48_071917-PODCAST.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

   During this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO, as NFP Awareness Week approaches, Jeff & Erika Cowman kick-off a 3-part series on the benefits and challenges of Natural Family Planning.  Plus, Carol Brown had the chance to interview both keynote speakers from the recent Apologhetti Camp - Trent Horn and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_37_071817-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST