Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts
Vocations Focus - FEB. 8th

   In our very first VOCATIONS FOCUS from the Southern Deanery, Brian Duncan interviews the Parochial Vicar at St. Nicholas parish in Rupert - Fr. Gabriel Morales Garcia.

Direct download: Vocations_Focus_Show_37_020117-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Catholic Idaho - FEB. 7th

On this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO, the Idaho Lay Dominicans (David Charnock & John Keenan) have a roundtable discussion with Fr. Len MacMillan on the topic of Ecclesiology.  This talk was recorded on January 3rd as part of the Adult Ed series at Holy Apostles parish in Meridian.  It's the first time Fr. Len has been heard on Salt & Light Radio and we hope to share many more of his informative and entertaining talks in the future!

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_26_020717-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST