Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts
Vocations Focus - AUG. 31st

   On this edition of VOCATIONS FOCUS, Jim Nourse and Brian Howell finish their conversation with Joshua Falce - seminarian for the Diocese of Boise.  Joshua had a very busy summer - find out what he did and what lies ahead at Mt. Angel this fall.  Remember to Please Pray For Vocations!!

Direct download: Vocations_Focus_Show_26_083116-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 4:00pm MST

Catholic Idaho - AUG. 30th

   On this edition of CATHOLIC IDAHO, we talk with local Catholic author, Allen Shoff, about his first published science fiction novel.  Can the Church and science fiction co-exist?  Also, "Passionately Pro-Life" looks to dispel more myths. We will also hear "Five for the Faith" with Fr. Mike St. Marie from St. Edward’s in Twin Falls ... Fr. Caleb Vogel from St. Paul’s in Nampa ... and some Tall Truth from Shelly Donahue.

Direct download: Catholic_Idaho_Show_11_083016-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST