Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts
Catholic Idaho - AUG. 19th

   In this episode of CATHOLIC IDAHO, we visit with an old friend - Jay Wonacott, who used to co-host "Journeys of Faith" on Salt & Light Radio.  Well, Jay brought in his good friend (and Godfather to one of his daughters) Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers from the Archdiocese of Portland.  The "Dynamic Deacon" was at Sacred Heart in Boise on Aug. 9th to shake the dust of area Catholics and teach them how to more effectively live through the Eucharist.  The second half of the show is a re-broadcast of an interview originally heard on Made For More.  Before your students head back to college, Chris Kreslins chats with the Campus Ministers from Idaho's three main universities:  Katie Goodson (Univ of Idaho), Pete Espil (Idaho State) and Fr. Jack Bentz (Boise State).

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_081914Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST