Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts
Catholic Idaho - JULY 15th

   During this hour of CATHOLIC IDAHO, Fr. Caleb shares a past homily (found on-line at plus we introduce a new segment to the show - "Five For the Faith" as Fr. Mike St. Marie (St. Edward's - Twin Falls) shares a brief 5-minute lesson on our Catholic Faith.  Our main interview is with Jessica Peters - a senior at Boise State who had an incredible experience the end of May...a service project in Hawaii!  Hear all about the important work she accomplished in one of God's most beautiful settings.  And, more of the "Tall Truth" - chats on chastity from Shelly Donahue.

Direct download: CatholicIdaho_071514Show-PODCAST.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 7:00pm MST