Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

Today’s prayer:  “Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.  Help me to praise you for such a quick, easy and secure path to holiness.”    

Questions for Day 7:  We must depend on supernatural help for bearing our crosses in life.  Do you have a list of crosses? How have you asked for supernatural help up to now?  We’ve heard the term “offer it up” for another person or some special intention.  How will this Marian consecration help with this aspect of your spiritual efforts?  Finally, “security” - we look for it everywhere: alarms for our homes and vehicles, online passwords, monitoring our credit cards, and so on.  Those protect physical life - what about Marian consecration gives you the most comfort and security?

Direct download: Morning_Light_33_Days_Retreat_Day_7_022619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am MST